Friday, July 22, 2011

Looping to Second

This school year I've been given the wonderful opportunity to loop up to second grade with my class. There are times that I forget this important detail and then it smacks me right on the head....I'll have the same group of kids! How I forget this, I don't know, but I do. Must be the summer heat.

Second Grade is where it all started for me. I did my student teaching in 2nd and loved it. When I was hired on at my first campus, I was placed in 3rd and stayed there for six years. It was a great time, but I was ready for a change. Bigger than I first expected as I changed campuses and grade levels. I taught First Grade for the next 6 years, and am now heading back to where it all began.

So, what have been your experiences with looping? What is a good "get reacquainted" activity the first day of school for a class that already know each other?

1 comment:

  1. I thought looping would be extremely easy since they all knew my expectations, etc. (and that was a nice part about looping but the newness and excitement wasn't there. I had to come up with a new reward system, etc. A great activity that I did was the one I shared on my blog and facebook page. It worked even the year I looped. :)

    Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies @
