Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Dinner Dilemma

This is not a teaching idea, but it does solve the age old question "What's for dinner?"  I just finished planning all of our dinners for the month. Not making them, just planning them. It seems like a huge undertaking, but it's really quite simple and the time it took to do it will save me plenty of aggravation later. 
This is what I did: I sat down and listed all of the dinners we eat. I made a list of 31 entries. Ok, the list was actually 30 and I doubled up on one. Anyway, the list is 31 dinners in all. Next, I went into Google calendar and created a Dinner calendar where I entered all the dinners. I paid attention not to have tacos, spaghetti, or whatever two nights in one week or too close together. 
Now, I won't come home and stare into the pantry wondering what I'm going to fix for dinner. It's already done. What are some of your organizational tips for the home?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Sweet Give Away

As we get ready for school, it's important to remember to take some time for ourselves (vacation is over yet!).  Mrs. Shepherd has this in mind and is giving away a gift card to Bath  & Body Works. Mosey on over to her blog, My Second Grade Journal to enter.
Taking some time for ourselves is important during the school year too. My favorite escape is reading, especially historical fiction. I can curl up anywhere with a good book. Some of my favorite authors are Diane Geist and Cathy Marie Hake.
I also like to exercise to work out the stress from the day. Did I really just say that? It's true. A quick ride on the bike, zumba, or a kettle bell workout is a wonderful stress release.
So, how do you "get away form it all"? Share your ideas here and lets help each other have a less stressful year!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Clip Chart :)

I've been using a clip chart for behavior management for years now and it works great. This is a great spin on the typical chart. I love how the students move up or down and it's all based on intrinsic motivation and rewards. I will definitely be giving this one a try this year. For more info and photos visit Best. Thing. Ever. at Clutter Free Classroom.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Teacher Discounts

Thanks to Jennifer at Empowering Little Learners for posting this link to stores that give teacher discounts. I had no idea about the clothing stores! Go to Gift Card Granny for more info.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Overwhelmed By The New Of It All

As the beginning of school approaches, I've started getting things ready for the first day / week. And it dawned on me how much was new. Not just new school year kind of new, but brand spanking new. Let me give you an idea:

  1. New grade level
  2. New grade level team
  3. New classroom
  4. New grade level of both the new math and reading adoptions
  5. New curriculum
  6. New schedule
  7. New procedures (HW, guided math, math stations, etc...)
  8. Oh, and the regular new school year kind of new
About the only thing that isn't new is my class. 

While I'm very excited about everything, it can get a tad overwhelming. What's a girl to do? I've just been tackling one thing at a time and enjoying my last few weeks before things get really busy! Can a blog become therapy? I think so. Oh, and chocolate helps :)

Friday Freebies

WOW! I'm amazed at how much free stuff there is on Fridays! I just came across this really cool freebie on Check it out!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Looping to Second

This school year I've been given the wonderful opportunity to loop up to second grade with my class. There are times that I forget this important detail and then it smacks me right on the head....I'll have the same group of kids! How I forget this, I don't know, but I do. Must be the summer heat.

Second Grade is where it all started for me. I did my student teaching in 2nd and loved it. When I was hired on at my first campus, I was placed in 3rd and stayed there for six years. It was a great time, but I was ready for a change. Bigger than I first expected as I changed campuses and grade levels. I taught First Grade for the next 6 years, and am now heading back to where it all began.

So, what have been your experiences with looping? What is a good "get reacquainted" activity the first day of school for a class that already know each other?

Here Goes Nothing

So, I've been watching my friends create blogs and thought, "Hey, I can do that!"  I thought about it and thought about it and wondered what in the world would I write about? And all I did was think about it until I came across the blog Kids Just Write (written by my incredibly talented friend) where she simply said to "just write!" So, no more thinking...I'm writing!