Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daily Five

The Daily FiveLots of talk about this book recently on several blogs. I've implemented parts and love the changes I'e made. Does anyone use it in 2nd or 1st grades? What modifications, if any, did you have to make in order for it to run smoothly?
By the way, if you are unfamiliar with the book, Stenhouse Publishers provide an online preview. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

181 and Counting

So, tonight I was looking for FB friend  # 50 and ended up with over 180! I still can't get over the response. Thanks to Sub Hub and The Organized Classroom for helping spread the word. To celebrate, I will be putting together a Freebie-palooza! I'm gathering files from my school laptop and favorite downloads into Google Docs for all my wonderful new friends. Look for the link in the next few days.

Monday, October 24, 2011

New Blog!!

Incredible new blog from Charity Preston, creater of the Organized Classroom. In Charity's own words, "It is a network of websites that contain blog rolls specifically for each grade level, AND they include Pinterest boards to match as well!" What are you waiting for? Head on over now!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Follow me on Facebook

I may not have been posting on the blog, but I have been active on Facebook! Sometimes it's just easier to pass on a link or an idea on my Facebook page, so why not follow me on Facebook and not miss a thing!
Second Grade Two-Step

Monday, October 10, 2011

Where Have I Been?

It seems I've been gone forever! I thought that as I got into the swing of things at school, things would settle down a bit and I would be able to post more often. While some things have settled down, other things have been kicked up and swirled all over the place!
I'm so happy I decided to loop with my class. If you ever get the chance to do so, go for it!! The beginning of the year was so easy! Instead of teaching my class my expectations for behavior, turning in classwork, jobs, etc...I only had to review and remind them. Same thing with the parents. Plus all my reading groups were already set up and most of the stuff I spend hours putting names on was already complete! What a time saver, and I needed every minute!
Work Stations for Guided Math are up and running and I plan to meet with groups (the way I'm supposed to) this week. Same thing for Guided Reading. This may seem like a late start, but with all the beginning of the year assessments that had to be completed, I feel like I'm right on schedule. TPRI, IRI, Math tests, admin meetings, name it!
All in all, this year has had a great start and I'm so excited for the rest of it! The days go by so fast, I hope I can keep up.
What have been your successes so far? What have you struggled with? What do you need help with?